Skater of the Month: Honey Punches ‘nd Gloats

Skater of the Month Honey Punches 'nd Gloats

Photo courtesty of Jolene

Q:How did you come up with your derby name? Any chances you like the cereal?

A: Kaptain Punch actually helped me come up with my derby name (funnily enough)…but I do LOVE cereal.  Probably my favorite food!

Q: What are your hobbies, besides roller derby?

A: You know, baking, eating, playing outside…that sort of thing

Q: Any tattoos or piercings?

A: I have three tattoos, and my nose and ears are pierced.

Q: What is your dream job?

A: My dream job would probably be getting paid for doing derby actually…getting paid to skate and do all the extra work in maintaining the league I love.  I’d be so in.

Q: What would you consider your best derby moment so far?

A: Hmmm I guess my best derby moment has been scoring points in my first jam of my first bout ever.

Q: Have you had any serious injuries?

A: Nothing broken yet, knock on wood.  I guess besides a sprain here or there and bumps and bruises, it would have to be the haematoma I had recently.

Q: What was the last book you read?

A: Currently re-reading the first Harry Potter (because I’m a nerd and I love every minute of it).  But the last one completed was Mighty be our Powers by Leymah Gbowee (with Carol Mithers).

Q: Name your top three favorite bands.

A: That’s a toughy!!  I’m going to have to go with the all-time big standouts just for the sake of narrowing it down…Foo Fighters, Say Anything, and Big D and the Kids Table


  1. JoElle says:

    YAY!! Honey, so glad you’re Skater of the Month!!!

  2. Kaptain Punch says:

    You the shit honey!

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